the provision of food suplement to malnurished children in hard to reach areas in the North west region ❮❯2/15
SUDAHSER provides sustainable livelihood to vulnerable communities ❮❯3/15
SUDAHSER provides coaching to her farmers beneficiaries on field to ensure sustainability ❮❯4/15
SUDAHSER promoting social cohesion amongst IDPs and host communities in Mezam ❮❯5/15
SUDAHSER promotes market guardening activities in rural communities ❮❯6/15
SUDAHSER empowers communities with livestock facilities ❮❯7/15
SUDAHSER empowers communities in carring out community development projects ❮❯8/15
signing of MOU between SUDAHSER and UNDP ❮❯9/15
signing of MOU and capacity building ceremony between UNDP and its parners ❮❯10/15
reaching out to elderly persons with special needs in hard to reac areas with WASH kits ❮❯11/15
provision of food suplements to malnurished children ❮❯12/15
follow up of beneficiaries operating small businesses ❮❯13/15
experience sharing session of market guardening and poultry farming beneficiaries to enhance their production capacity ❮❯14/15
construction of water thank in remote areas in the North west region ❮❯15/15
building capacities of teachers in EiE, PSS, and CP knowledge ❮❯