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All children deserve access to quality education. The United Nations Conventions on the Rights of Children, state that all children have the right to develop their potential and access education as such, the Cameroon government has provided a legal framework for compulsory free primary education through the public system, but it is rarely enforced.

The burden of providing adequate learning infrastructures and sufficient teaching staff falls predominantly on parents and communities especially rural and poor urban communities. Added to the fact that some rural areas have never had schools, classrooms that have been destroyed because of disaster or conflict, thus millions of children are unable to go to school across the country today simply because there are no schools for them to go to.

For children who are in school, many schools are not good enough quality with hundreds of students per classroom, a lack of toilets, sanitary facilities, capable teachers or adequate learning materials. Parental and community attitudes can often also hold back children's education, especially for girls from late primary-school age and upwards, stopping them from going to school or making them earn a living for the family instead of getting an education

Cognisant of this critical educational situation in the country, SUDAHSER has embarked on a good number of palliative measures such as 

  • The creation of child-friendly spaces in the midst of the crises, 
  • The construction and rehabilitation of dilapidated classrooms with WASH facilities, 
  • We work with communities to build schools, train teachers, promote the importance of education and ensure that all solutions are sustainable long-term.
  • We provide school management committees with agricultural grants and technical support to develop school gardens and farms and the proceeds from it used to meet educational costs.
  • SUDAHSER supports schools to find ways of paying teachers and affording the costs of education by helping communities grow their income.