Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

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Africa remains the most affected by environmental degradation, thereby exacerbating the negative effect of climate change in the region.  In Cameroon, challenges of environmental pollution, rising population growth, poor farming practices and inaccessibility to clean water are some of the impediments recorded in the country. 

These environmental issues cause deeply rooted problems at the level of the population and the environment which renders the population vulnerable. The massive movement of people as a result of the different crises in Cameroon, to areas which they consider as being secure, has worsened the environmental condition of some of these places.

They exert pressure on the environment through their irrational and uncontrolled human activities which fast deteriorate their environment and make them vulnerable to diseases and natural disasters. In an attempt to palliate the above problem SUDAHSER intervenes in the following way;

  • Creating community gardens through group garden projects with the use of organic fertilizers 
  • Promote and facilitate the creation of neighbourhood compost pile for more than one family with the aim of promoting organic farming and the easy acquisition of fertilizer
  • Create eco-conscious volunteer committees in communities to advocate for the protection of the environment through regular coordinated activities in their respective communities such as sensitization, planting of environmentally friendly trees, establishment of tree nurseries etc 
  • Organise community tree-planting events to refresh the local environment 
  • Give regular radio talks to sensitize communities on environmental protection 
  • Create eco-conscious volunteers club in schools to advocate for environmental protection
  • Mainstream environmental protection in all development and humanitarian projects implemented