Food Security (Agriculture, Livelihood and Food Assistance)

Food Security (Agriculture, Livelihood and Food Assistance)

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More than 40% of Cameroon’s 23.7 million people live below the poverty line and human development indicators remain low. Poverty has a strong regional dimension concentrated in the Far North, North, Adamaoua and East regions caused by years of successive natural disasters and below-average harvests with little means to resist the continuous cycle of shocks and stresses.

In recent years the North and the South West has toed the line due to the ongoing arm conflict that hinders the agricultural and the economic sector of the regions. Food insecurity, malnutrition and hunger are persistent within the urban and rural areas in Cameroon. This situation is not due to the lack of food, but to poor systems for regulating the access to food resulting from inadequate development policy approaches. In this program SUDAHSER supports the Cameroon government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER), to bring her own contribution to reducing related FSC issues in the country.

This is done through; 

  • Conducting need assessments and selecting of vulnerable populations, 
  • Training vulnerable families in sustainable livelihood opportunities such as market gardening, poultry farming, mushroom farming, beekeeping, aquaculture and animal keeping and support with their related start up materials. 
  • Carrying out general food distribution in poor vulnerable communities hit by the crisis
  • Creating school gardens, farms and environmental clubs in schools both primary and secondary institutions
  • Training and supporting families on small business and livelihood enterprise establishment. 
  • The promotion of organic and integrated farming

So many families have been reached in the West, North West and South West regions and SUDAHSER is far from relenting efforts to boost the livelihood of communities through agriculture so as to improve FSC in the country.