Health and Nutrition

Health and Nutrition

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Cameroon is one of the African nations experiencing crises as a result of insufficient medical human resource and equipment. This has led to a significant deterioration of an already chronic health and nutrition level in Cameroon. Cognisant of the fact that access to essential nutrition and health services is a fundamental right for everyone, the Cameroon government is trying her best through different health campaigns and programs to improve the health care of the country.

SUDAHSER is determined therefore to help this initiative of the Cameroon government through a multi-sectorial approach that creates synergies among health, nutrition, water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH), and education in areas witnessing crisis. This is done through the following way;

  • The prevention of severe acute malnutrition in the NW and SW through massive screening campaigns 
  • Referrals of complicated health cases to appropriate service providers 
  • Promotes good sanitation practices, access to clean drinking water, healthy practices and appropriate use of health services in crises affected communities, 
  • Prevents the spread of malaria through a massive malaria screening and distribution of mosquito nets. 
  • Mitigates the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 in affected communities through a massive sensitisation of the population, distribution of face masks and the installation of hand washing stations in affected communities. 
  • Monthly energy giving food distribution to vulnerable communities and to SAMs and MAMs patients 
  • The rehabilitation/ building/ equipping of health centers in rural communities