Girls and Women Empowerment

Girls and Women Empowerment

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Women’s and girls’ economic empowerment is widely recognized by governments, international development institutions, as essential for human progress. This is why gender equality and women’s and girls’ economic empowerment are key priorities in the 2030 sustainable development agenda. In Cameroon, women face deeply rooted obstacles to achieving at work and other aspects of life. 

SUDAHSER shares the point of view of the African development bank which states that “Eliminating gender inequality and empowering women and girls could raise the productive potential of one billion Africans, delivering a huge boost to the continent’s development potential.” Women are the change-makers and can make an exponential difference in our communities, and thus it is really compelling to empower them. It is mindful of the above studies that SUDAHSER has decided to 

  • Train and empower women and girls in various communities of Cameroon in animal husbandry, market gardening, vocational training,
  • Training to advocate on the rights of women and girls, 
  • Granting of loans with very little interest rate, 
  • Issuing of small financial grants, 
  • Skills on petit trading and IGAs 
  • Giving talks on menstrual hygiene to young girls and assisting them with dignity kits