SUDAHSER Foundation Commemorating the 48th Edition of the World Environment Day

SUDAHSER Foundation Commemorating the 48th Edition of the World Environment Day

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Trevor Package, Wed 17th, Jun 2020, 09:50

The world is witnessing a dramatic change in climate from very high temperatures to very low temperatures. This variation of climate cause enormous irreversible impacts on the earth surface which could compromise the future generation from enjoying some resources.

The Paris Agreement sets out a new course for all nations to come together in combating climate change by limiting a global temperature rise to well below 2℃. It is in this light that SUDAHSER in partnership with JCI and the Bamenda III council seized the opportunity on World Environment Day to plant environmental friendly trees around the mile III water catchment thank with the aim of ensuring an adequate and regular water supply of quality and quantity water to the surrounding population.

This initiative was in line with the world environmental day theme for the year 2020 “Protecting our environment is protecting our source of life”