SUDAHSER providing Sustainable Livelihood to IDP farmers

SUDAHSER providing Sustainable Livelihood to IDP farmers

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Trevor Package, Mon 17th, May 2021, 10:58

The Impact of the current arm conflict in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon is more prominent in rural areas thereby causing the population to flee massively from their areas of origin to nearby towns like Bamenda in search of safety. Most of these people who are farmers, find themselves in a new environment with no source of livelihood.

These IDP’s farmers finding themselves in new communities mostly do not have access to shelter, food and affordable schools especially for those who do not have relatives in the areas which they moved to. Farmers leaving their farms untenured have caused a huge drop in the production chain which has subsequently led to an increase in the price of what is available. According to statistics by OCHA, 35% of children in displaced areas live with malnutrition.

It is in the heat of this situation that SUDAHSER FOUNDATION in collaboration with the UNDP Early Recovery program has embarked on a need assessment around Bamenda to identify vulnerable IDP farmers, train on sustainable market gardening, poultry farming and marketing skills and empowered with startup materials such as broilers, feed, hoes, machetes, organic manure, vegetable seeds etc.

The beneficiaries were closely monitored and coached by SUDAHSER M&E team in order to bring technical support to their activities and ensure sustainability.