SUDAHSER/Street Child COVID-19 Sensitization

SUDAHSER/Street Child COVID-19 Sensitization

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Trevor Package, Fri 17th, Apr 2020, 09:24

The fast propagation of the COVID-19 from China to Europe and now in Africa has had devastating impacts in terms of massive dead of people registered around the world. On the 23rd of March 2020, the first case of COVID-19 infection was registered in Cameroon. This caused the Cameroon government to adopt some COVID-19 barrier measures to be implemented all over the national territory.

SUDAHSER being at the forefront to address health issues in affected communities, partnered with STREET CHILD to intensify sensitization on the severity of the virus. This sensitization was supported with the demonstration of locally made hand sanitizer and face masks in poor vulnerable communities so as to reduce their exposure to the virus as well as their expenditures during the sanitary crisis.

COVID 19 massive sensitization campaign in vulnerable communities in the North West region

SUDAHSER Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Response

The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic which started in china and spread to other parts of the world such as in Cameroon has led to the death of millions of people. The covid-19 has quickly changed the context in which children and vulnerable families live in Cameroon.

The government quarantine measures such as school closures and restriction of movement disrupted children’s routine. SUDAHSER foundation responded rapidly to the preventive measures put in place by the government of Cameroon in other to limit the rate of transmission of the virus in two regions: Litoral and North West regions of Cameroon through the following ways:

  • Provision of hand sanitizers and soap for handwashing in 6 targeted communities of the North West region.
  • Installation of wash hand stations in these communities.
  • Provision of face masks to 6000 people to help limit the spread of covid-19.
  • Provision of psychosocial support through phone calls to vulnerable families.
  • Maintenance of water sources to provide waters for hand washing.

COVID-19 rapid response through the provision of hand washing stations and food Assistance to vulnerable communities