Testimonies of Beneficiaries from The SUDAHSER/UNDP Early Recovery Project

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Trevor Package, Mon 17th, Feb 2020, 10:47

Following a training to identify and empower 100 IDP farmers in market gardening, poultry farming and marketing skills, SUDAHSER’s monitoring and evaluation team set out to measure the impact of the project in not only the lives of the participants but also on their communities. The project yielded much positive results as the beneficiaries now share their experiences since the training;

Mme Che hosts 11 IDP’s. before benefiting from the project, she was barely able to feed her family well and educate her children. With the knowledge from the training and provision of startup material, she now runs a poultry farm. She has equally diversified her business by planting yams which she manures with organic manure from her poultry. With this, the living standards of her family has increased and she can now educate and feed her children
Asoh Joyce lost her source of livelihood in her town of origin Wun due to the Anglophone crises, she then moved to Bamenda where she was living under people of good will. She was identified and trained by SUDAHSER and thereafter empowered with broilers and feed. Today, she now owns a poultry and a garden. She has also widened her scope of business as she has sold some of her produce and used in the processing and marketing of yogurt.

Dorothy Mankaa recides in Bamenda III and hosts 9 IDP’s she now narrates her experience after benefiting from the project “I was identified and trained on poultry farming and market gardening, after training I was supported with hoes, cutlasses, seeds and chicks. This helped me start my poultry farm and also increase my market gardening scale.

I have purchased other chicks that are now ready for marketing. I am now able to feed my family without stress as was the case before. I equally have spices in the garden that I harvest and sell. Thank you SAUDAHSER AND UNDP for helping us